

Over 129 years of
Great British

Steam boilers are a part of almost every major industrial & petrochemical process today and there are, in fact, few products that we buy and use everyday that do not require steam at some point during the manufacturing process.

CFB Boilers Ltd have been producing steam solutions for industrial processes for over 126 years. We are a global company manufacturing high quality steam, hot water and electric boilers for industrial and process applications around the world.

No matter what your industrial requirements are, here at CFB Boilers Ltd we have gained the reputation as a leader in the design, manufacture and delivery of bespoke steam solutions.

What we did for CALOR GAS

CFB Boilers recently completed a major steam boiler plant upgrade for Calor Gas at their Canvey Island Terminal in Essex.

The boiler house on site contained old boilers and outdated technology.CFB installed 2 x Universal 3-pass horizontal boilers, type UL-SIE 6000 x 8 bar.g, each configured for a maximum steam output of 6450kg/hr from and at 100°C.

Along with the boilers, we also installed a Water Service Module accompanied with Duplex Water Softeners and Carbon Backwashing Filters and a Reverse Osmosis Unit,to provide the customer with the best water quality possible to ensure excellent steam quality and prolonged life of the equipment without issues such as Scaling due to poor water quality.

The technology on the boilers were also improved to provide full boiler sequencing, adherence to BG01 – Arrangement 3 for unsupervised operationand signals to the site BMS system for monitoring of performance and efficiency.

Brands we have supplied

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